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Showing posts from July, 2018

Were all genuine Connoisseur BD1/2 turntable belts the same?

Were all genuine Connoisseur BD1/2 turntable belts the same? I had noticed over the years differences in drive belt diameter but never measured them before, no need to, just buy replacement genuine parts.   Things are different now with T&G gone, nothing lasts for ever even though we would like it to. The following comparison of genuine belts comes from my personal stock.   One of the belts I purchased from T&G before they ceased trading and the other is from a BD1 Kit from Sugden, possibly one of the last kits they sold. Sugden belt from BD1 kit: On the right is the T&G, on the left is the Sugden: 1. Supplier: Technical & General Belt diameter: 2.14mm +/- 0.01mm Belt speed: On both 33 1/3 rpm and 45 rpm belt runs very slightly fast. Belt length: 830mm approx. 2. Supplier: Sugden, from a new old stock BD1 Kit, maybe the last they made. Belt diameter: 1.9mm +/- 0.01mm Belt speed: 33 1/3 rpm and 45 rpm belt runs slightl...